Academic Projects
I. Projects at UPF
Two hacks we did at ISMIR 2015:
1. Ajay Srinivasamurthy, Swapnil Gupta, Sankalp Gulati, Kaustuv Kanti Ganguli: Sawaal-Jawaab with Tabla bols: An automatic Call-response improvisation system for vocals and tabla. (Note: Starts an audio metronome on opening the page. Make sure you can play sounds!)
2. Sankalp Gulati, Kaustuv Kanti Ganguli, Swapnil Gupta, and Ajay Srinivasamurthy, Ragawise: A hierarchical approach towards a real-time raga recognition system.
II. Academic Projects at Georgia Tech
1. Hierarchical Cluster Modeling of melodic sequences in North Indian Classical Music, as a part of Machine Learning (Special Topics) course, January 2012 - present.
2. GrOOveID, A real-time Groove recognition and prediction system for a percussion ensemble, as a part of Project Studio course, January 2012 - April 2012. GrOOveID was demonstrated in Listening Machines 2012.
Team: Ajay S., Ruofeng Chen, Jimmy O'Neill, Fred Leighton, Kai Sheng
See a video of the performance: GrOOveID @ Listening Machines 2012
3. Towards a complete rhythm description of music by the estimation of sub-beat and supra-beat rhythmicity as a part of Music Information Retrieval course, September-December 2011.
Team: Ajay S., Sidharth Subramanian, Greg Tronel
4. Tok! - A collaborative Percussion Instrument, as a part of Network Music course, August-December 2011.
Team: Sang Won Lee, Ajay S., Weibin Shen, Greg Tronel
III. Academic Projects at IISc
1. Detection of Tumors and Masses in Medical Images, as a part of Medical Imaging course Aug-Dec 2009
2. Compression of multi-channel ECG using transform coding and prediction as a part of Digital Signal Compression course Aug-Dec 2009
Project Team: Ajay S, Harshavardhan S, Arun Kanthi R
3. Spatiotemporal EEG Information Transfer in an episode of Epilepsy as a part of Biomedical Signal Processing course during April 2009
4. Emotional Speech Characterization as a part of Speech Information Processing course during April 2009
Project Team: Ajay S, Arun G
5. Adaptive Binarization Techniques in C using OpenCV computer vision library as a part of Digital Image Processing course during November 2008.
Project Team: Ajay S, Arun G
6. Music Synthesis Techniques on TMS320C6416 DSK using CCS v3.1 platform as a part of DSP System Design course during November 2008. A suite of algorithms for music synthesis were implemented in assembly on TMS320C6416 DSK.
IV. Academic Projects at NITK
1. Technical seminar on the topic Electronic Music Synthesis at NITK, December 2007
2. Benchmarking FFTW library on Pentium D Processor using Intel VTune Performance Analyzer as a part of VLSI Systems and Architecture course in November 2007
Project team: Ajay S, Aniruddha P N
3. Spread Spectrum Digital Audio Watermarking based on a psychoacoustic model, as part of Digital Signal Processing Laboratory course in April 2007.
Project team: Ajay S, Aniruddha P N, Ashish Shenoy P.
4. Designed and implemented an area and power efficient 8 bit unsigned array multiplier using NGSPICE and MAGIC as a part of VLSI Design Laboratory course in April 2007.
Project team: Ajay S, Aniruddha P N, Ashish Shenoy P.
5. Data EPABX System using VHDL, implemented on Xilinx Spartan 2E FPGA as a part of Digital System Design Laboratory course, December 2006.
Project team: Ajay S, Aniruddha P N, Ashish Shenoy P.
6. Simple Image Processor on ARM9TDMI processor core as a part of Microprocessors Laboratory course, April 2006.
Project team: Ajay S, Aniruddha P N, Ashish Shenoy P, Akella Karthik
7. Music Synthesizer and Harmonics Injector using MATLAB 6.5 as a part of Signals and Systems Laboratory course, December 2005.
Project team: Ajay S, Aniruddha P N, Akella Karthik
8. Automatic Water temperature level Display and Control as a part of Analog Electronic Circuits Laboratory course, April 2005
Project team: Ajay S, Aniruddha P N, Amod Jai Ganesh A